Mentoring in Forex
Like everything else in life, venturing
into a new trade requires learning different skills.
It’s not always easy to learn new
investment skills. Many experienced stock traders who have been actively
involved in NASDAQ for years are now
moving over to Forex trading which seems to be offering far profitable trades
with far less effort. They often need to learn new techniques
What they soon realize is that Forex
Trading is not as easy as it seems at first. There really is more to know about
currency trading than one thinks at first. That is why it is highly recommended
that all traders, even those that have been trading other financial instruments
for years, should educate themselves in Forex before opening a Forex account.
Newbie traders should make every effort to
learn all about Forex markets by taking a good educational tutorial. Most
brokers offer this type of instruction to all their account holders and this is
an excellent way to learn the basics. If you want to move ahead and learn more
advanced techniques, you might want to take a course provided by an independent
Forex service that is not linked to any
particular broker such as FXAcademy.
The fundamentals of Forex trading don’t
differ much from other conventional trading and the concepts used are similar.
It is important to know all the ins and outs of trading so you can place profitable
trades. Knowing the history of currency trading is also advisable as it gives
you a good background to how currencies have evolved.
Start your trading experience with a demo
account. This account gives you the opportunity to practice your trades for a
specific period of time with virtual money provided by your broker. By using a
demo account you can learn about Forex trading without putting any money at
risk. Most brokers offer a demo account so with the vast choice of brokers
available these days, make sure you choose one that is proud to offer it.
Here is where a good mentor can be of help.
Mentors can help
you select
the right broker and the account that is best suited to you. An
objective mentor can sift through the plethora of brokers and compare their
features before advising you which broker to select.
When you feel confident that you know
enough to discuss Forex intelligently, your mentor can now help you move to the
next step in trading. One of the main mistakes made by most traders is jumping
into the market too quickly, before knowing enough to make the right decisions.
Knowing when to enter and exit a trade can make the difference between profit
and loss.
way to hone your skills in Forex trading is to understand both technical and
fundamental analysis. A good mentor will be able to show you how to read charts
and interpret graphs that indicate price movements. Many successful Forex
traders use these tools primarily in order to place profitable trades.
Interpreting charts and graphs is not an
easy undertaking and a personal tutor can be very helpful at this point. He
will also teach you how to develop your own trading system which you should
follow throughout your trading experience. Once you have set a strategic plan
in action, you must have the discipline to follow it no matter what happens in
the market. Despite seeing success at the start, most traders incur more losses
than wins. Statistics show that new traders lose their money 95% of the time.
If you manage to have some trades that move in the direction you chose, take
your profit, no matter how small, and reinvest it in a new trade. Many small
profits are better than no profits at all and certainly preferable to losses.
Working together with your mentor, you
should be able to come out with some successful Forex trades. 
Alex P.
Kategorie: Uncategorized

Sebastian Seliga

Aktywny trader, analityk, ekspert metod inwestycyjnych bazujących na teorii fal Elliott'a, geometrii Fibonacciego i nie tylko.

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