Trading plan and global macro analysis for 28/03/2017:
Tuesday brings a stabilization of trade in the foreign exchange market, which means keeping the USD weakness from yesterday. The stock market is recovering after Monday’s falls as pulling indices on Wall Street on Monday acted as an incentive to buy shares in Asia. Japanese Nikkei is up 1%, Hang Seng gains 0.6%. In a similar manner, gold is declining a little and gains oil. 
On Tuesday 28th of March, the American session might be quite busy and the global investors will keep an eye on CB Consumer Confidence data from the US and various speeches made by the FED policy members like Chairperson Janet Yellen, Esther George, Jerome Powell, and Robert Kaplan.

Sebastian Seliga

Aktywny trader, analityk, ekspert metod inwestycyjnych bazujących na teorii fal Elliott'a, geometrii Fibonacciego i nie tylko.

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