Trading plan for 24/07/2017: 
No important weekend developments resulted in a quiet start of the trading week. EUR/USD is still over 1.1670, USD/JPY violated 111.00 level and GBP/USD has returned above 1.3000 level after the reports from the British political scene indicating a lower risk of uncontrolled Brexit. Before the OPEC meeting, crude oil is stable and priced at $45.80. On the Asian stock exchanges mixed moods prevail. The Nikkei 225 falls 0.5%, Hang Seng and Shanghai Composite are up 0.5%. S&P500 futures are below 2,465 points and slide 0.2%. 
On Monday 24th of July, the event calendar is busy with important economic releases. During the London session, global investors will pay attention to flash PMIs from the Eurozone, Germany, and France. Later, during the US session, Canada will provide the wholesales sales data and another round of flash PMIs from the US will be provided.

Sebastian Seliga

Aktywny trader, analityk, ekspert metod inwestycyjnych bazujących na teorii fal Elliott'a, geometrii Fibonacciego i nie tylko.

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