Trading plan for 15/12/2017:
The US Dollar slightly loses overnight because there are obstacles on the way to approval of the US Tax Act. The stock market is restless in the wake of the weak Thursday session in Europe and the US. Nikkei225 fell 0.6% and Hang Seng lost 13%. Gold minimally benefits from Dollar problems and the price of an ounce is consolidated at 1255 USD. Crude oil WTI drifts close to 57.2 USD. 
On Friday 15th of December, the event calendar is light in important economic releases. There were some data from Japan released overnight (Tankan Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Index). So Manufacturing Sales from Canada and Empire State Manufacturing Index and Industrial Production data from the US are the missing data left before the weekend.

Bitcoin analysis for 15/12/2017:
 In a film released on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the activities of traditional banks would eventually become obsolete and could be replaced by Bitcoin.
Global macro overview:
The Bank of England maintained the benchmark rate at 0.5% in line with expectations.

Sebastian Seliga

Aktywny trader, analityk, ekspert metod inwestycyjnych bazujących na teorii fal Elliott'a, geometrii Fibonacciego i nie tylko.

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