Trading plan for 22/10/2018:

The US Dollar suffered shortly due to a lack of agreement in the US Congress regarding the extension of budget financing, which stopped the work of public administration. Similarly, EUR does not feel the reaction of the SPD delegates to the coalition with the CDU. After the broad market, there is no increase in risk aversion, as stock exchanges are growing.

On Monday, 22nd of January, the event calendar is very light with important economic releases. The only data worth attention is the Wholesale Sales report from Canada and Bundesbank Monthly Report from Germany

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Bitcoin analysis for 22/01/2018:

Bitcoin is under intense supervision on Bali – an island in the Indonesian archipelago

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Sebastian Seliga

Aktywny trader, analityk, ekspert metod inwestycyjnych bazujących na teorii fal Elliott'a, geometrii Fibonacciego i nie tylko.

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