Trading plan for 08/02/2018:

The biggest overnight drop is being observed in NZD after the RBNZ interest rate decision and the RBNZ Governor Grant Spencer dovish comments. The Shanghai Composite Index broke successfully from the rising sentiment on the Asian stock exchanges when it dropped -1.5% mostly because of the selling of companies from the energy industry and financial institutions. On the energy market, a delicate reverse of demand is observed. Currently, the West Texas Intermediate barrel is valued at USD 61.60, or 0.2% lower than yesterday’s close. On Thursday, February 8th, the main event of the day will be the Bank of England interest rate decision in the early afternoon, but the market participants should keep an eye on German Trade Balance data, Canadian Housing Starts data, and Continuing Claims data from the US

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Analysis of Bitcoin for 08/02/2018:

Bitcoin should establish itself as means of quick, safe and cheap payments.

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Sebastian Seliga

Aktywny trader, analityk, ekspert metod inwestycyjnych bazujących na teorii fal Elliott'a, geometrii Fibonacciego i nie tylko.

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