2. The content on the blog are the personal opinions of the author and do not represent a recommendation of investment, simultaneously, they are not intended to incite any acquisition or disposal of financial instruments and do not constitute any guarantee that a particular strategy or price projection is correct.
1. There is a substantial risk of loss of capital when trading and/or investing. None of the material shown on the elliottfxtrader.blogspot.com is intended as recommendations for the placing of trades and/or investments.The recommendations made herein do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any of the securities mentioned. No representations can be made that the recommendations contained herein will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Readers using the information contained herein are solely responsible for their actions. Information is obtained from sources deemed to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy and completeness. The above recommendations are based on the theory of Elliot Wave and Technical Analysis and do not reflect the fundamental validity of the Scrip. All the content on this website is meant for educational and learning purpose only.
These studies express the knowledge and views of the author, as at the date of preparation. The author is not responsible for investment decisions or for any damages incurred, as a result of investment decisions taken on the basis of studies.
The studies (analysis) have been made with reliability, completeness and diligence consistent with the principles of methodological correctness and on the basis of public information considered, by the author, to be reliable.
3. The content of elliottfxtrader.blogspot.com is the value of intellectual property, protected by copyright. Copying and distribution contained on these pages without author’s permission are prohibited.
Sebastian Seliga – elliottFXtrader – site owner & admin